
Jun 23, 2007

Within Me

Scarlet lips as red as a rose,
perfect hips in a seductive pose.
On the outside this is what people want me to be,
but what about looking at the heart within me.

Long black hair, surrounding my face,
baby blue eyes and full of grace.
This is what most men chase,
but my soul and feelings cannot be erased.

Long, untouched legs with a snug fitting skirt,
a short and sexy tube top shirt,
I would take my looks with little pride,
for what I care about is what's inside.

They say that these looks are a sensation,
that I am one of God's best creations,
But all I really want is for you to see,
all the good that is within me.


Parag said...

Lol.. someone may think something else as "WHATS INSIDE" ... hehehehe
good one..

virgo said...

ho! ho!
stumbled upon ur blog..

this one was real nice.. :)
similar to the one compiled by me..