
Mar 29, 2007


Life is enjoyed most
When we complete big tasks,
And graduating from college
Often provides us with a thrill that lasts.

Saying goodbye to friends
that we may not see again,
gives way to our respective futures,
and career opportunities without end.

Of course, professors should be remembered too
But the things that are probably remembered
Are the ideas discovered, and the problems solved,
Which were only achieved, thanks to our own great resolve.

Truly, what lies ahead may seem very uncertain,
But life well go on, as we try to peek behind every curtain,
In many ways it's like Christmas again and again,
As we go through life's portals,
always trying to meet new friends.

And in the end when life is nearly through
And when we ask ourselves what more do we
need to do,
The answer that should come is that It was
all good,
And that we really did get done all the
things that we should.

1 comment:

KK said...

Well, I must say that you write really well and know how to express yourself!!! Godd job gal!!!